Thursday, June 18, 2009

I took the vow....

I took the vow.....of celibacy that is. It's funny when one day something can be so unthinkable and the next thing you know, it becomes a reality. Sixty days and sixty nights. Thus, far it hasn't proven to be as big of a deal as one might think it would be. The purpose? Discipline. To say that having a team or being spontaneous, random with men isn't fun would be a lie. What I'm faced with now however, is at what point do you make the transition? At what point do you say enough is enough and I need to grow out of this? Is it when you finally after waiting forever meet the guy that makes you want to stop? Do you have some life altering revelation that leads to a new and improved you? I'm realistic enough to know that Mr. Perfect may never come, but I can benefit from my self improvement right now. Sometimes that's all you need, to live in the right now. Throw caution to the wind and live for the moment. Maybe......

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