Wednesday, March 11, 2009


As if it would be that easy to do....say Switch and be able to get with your guy or girls best friend? well it's not and usually if it is, your breaking what is known as the guy or girl law. The law as we all know it is: You are not to talk to a guy that a friend is talking to, an ex, or a potential boo without that friend giving you the go head, and even then you proceed with caution.

My male best friend recently broke this rule. Not that I expected him to hold to it because he has a tendency to have sex with anything with two legs and a vagina with the exception of me and family, but I guess I thought he had a little decency to restrain himself. First the back ground. My Best friend had relations and was boyfriend to a good friend of mine, we'll say her name is *Jessica. This past week my best friend, a friend of his , and two of my female friends, we'll say *sarah and *miranda went on a road trip from Atlanta to Miami. *Sarah happens to be part of the friend circle that *Jessia is in. Knowing this, my best friend spent a majority of the trip pushing up on *Sarah and when asked about his intentions, he claimed he was into her and no rules or laws should hinder him. However, if *Jessica were on the trip and attempted to sleep with his compadre, the laws would be fully in effect and the tables would be turned. This brings me to wonder just how far the Chick law goes.

I was placed in a similar situation back in the day and wondered just how detrimental breaking the law would be on the friendship. I grew up with the understanding that no matter what happens, men will be there and you are to never allow one to get between you and your female friends because true friends are hard to come by. However, what if the situation is a little more complex? example.....

When I was in Junior high, I had a pretty good friend named Nicole. We were both gaga over the same boy, as well all the other girls in our class, however no one ever spoke of it. Nicole actually dated the boy (Tyrell) and had relations and such until they broke it off. He broke it off and they flirted on and off following their relationship. I crushed on Tyrell and flirted wit him as well. At the end of the school year another friend found out that I was confessing to Tyrell my feelings and I was ostracized from the "crew" for breaking the girl Law. He was her potential boo. The very last day of school, I went on a date with Tyrell and attended a function everyone at school was at. I kissed him as I was leaving. As I stepped outside, I noticed a gang of girls staring at me and Nicole running through the parking lot exclaiming to different girl groups what I'd done and I assume was putting the hit out on me. By the time my parent came to pick me up, I was seconds away from receiving a major beat down.

At the time, it made me re-evaluate my life and think seriously about my action towards Tyrell. I later decided that I'd made the right decisions by acting on what I felt and my friends became my friends again and all was well.

That may or may not have been a little complex to follow, but essentially I am posing these questions........Do the friend Law's really apply? And just how far can you push them before things become irreparable? The questions.....

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